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How to Not Totally Suck at Paneling

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How to Not Totally Suck at Paneling


Paneling at a convention can be one of the most fun experiences you can have IF you know how to not totally suck at it. And, believe it or not, it’s not that hard to not totally suck at doing panels at a convention. But, as is so often the case with trying something new, knowing where to start can feel a bit daunting. Hey, it’s okay; we’ve all been there. And, hell, that’s why I wrote this little book! To help people like you – people like I once was - in your journey to become a quality convention panelist.

If you buy this book, you'll get it in both a Full Color, High Quality PDF version, a RTF version, and a MOBI version for use with e-readers! And, of course, absolutely no DRM.

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